Recycling Merchant Websites

We are working with recycling merchants as well as using our industry experience to produce cutting edge websites for recycling merchants.

Recycling Merchant Websites

What can it do?

Our websites are built with the users in mind

Built for the customer

Using our industry experience we have built features designed to make it as easy as possible for the customers to place orders and keep track of the status.

  • Real time text and email updates
  • Fast and responsive experience
  • Streamlined checkout process

Built for the merchants

Not only do we want the customers to have the best possible experience, but the merchant aswell, so we focused on making the admin area as easy to use as possible based on years of feedback.

  • Full audit logs
  • Order note system
  • Live chat support

Fully Customisable

Our unique system allows merchants to change their websites without needing to reach out to our team every time.

  • Dynamic Text Messages
  • Dynamic Email Templates
  • CMS System for editing content

Find out why we are the recommended integration partner for Compare and Recycle.

Feel free to contact us if you are interested or want to know more!